Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs SIG

The objectives of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Special Interest Group are to:

  • Provide a focal point for discussion of and action on alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues;
  • Support advocacy, networking and collaboration on alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues;
  • Ensure that action on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are represented in the activities of the Public Health Association of Australia

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Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs SIG Committee:


Convenor: Raglan Maddox


Raglan Maddox (Modewa Clan, Papua New Guinea) PhD MPH is a Fellow and Study Director of the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Evaluation at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Public Health, at the Australian National University. Raglan’s program of research has focused on tobacco control and developing Indigenous heath info-systems using community driven processes.


Interested in getting involved? Become a member and start contributing to policies and position papers, participate in advocacy activities, attend an event and share ideas or network on the discussion forum.